Now, Let's get sh*t done!

congratulations on your purchase!

Break out your strongest coffee blend, put on some tunes and let's get to work setting up your new website.

How do you install your template?

After purchase make sure to check you email!

first things first


Create your own Showit account if you don't have it already.

If you don't have one already, head on over to Showit and create an account. (Be sure to take advantage of the free 14 day trial). When you're ready to subscribe, use the code MOONSHOTSTUDIO to start off your subscription with 1 month free or just use this link.


Get your Showit Sharekey ready

After your purchase you will have gotten acces to download your personal pdf file with a Share key. Copy this to your clipboard and let's go to the next step


Install/Import the design in Showit

If this is your first time using Showit, login at, toggle past the free Showit designs to "Your designs."

If it's not your first time with Showit, simply login to your account at and click "Create A New Design."

Next, just paste the share key you copied into the dialog box and hit enter! BOOM, your new. website design awaits! Scroll on for further instructions.

Preparation is King

Let's set you up for succes! Lay the groundwork and create with a purpose.

Make a big impact with your Brand

The key to getting a website to stand out is to charge it with your brand visuals. There is noone out there like you and your audience will want to choose you everytime. So if you have a brand style guide, grab it and pull the information from it. Get a folder with your fonts (best to have them in .woff) and your colors (HEX codes) and you are set!
Read more on custom fonts here

Not quite in love with your current branding? This might be the perfect time to consider a refresh and reach out to us for help. We offer tailored branding services that can elevate your look to the next level. But if you’re simply searching for new fonts, CreativeMarket of Adobe Fonts for some premium fonts or snag some free gems from Google Fonts. Thanks to Showit it's so easy to add Google Fonts to your font library!

Your brand folder is coming along nicely! Let's not forget your logo's and icons, get yourself a dedicated folder for each if you want—high-res PNGs or SVGs work best to keep everything crisp and polished. If your branding needs a boost, we're here to help create a look that’s as unique as your business. Reach out if you need help with your branding.

Compelling Copy

If you are not a copywriter or a pen wizard this might become the hardest thing you will do when designing your website. If you are anything like us you will definitely have had times that you were staring at your screen going "what in tarnation do I write... Well let's help you on the way to greatness. Take out your template and copy all the placeholders in a google doc, Word or your Notes app. When it is time to put everything back in your website you'll know where everything goes.

Pro-tip: Keep it simple—less is actually more here! The most important part of good copy is being crystal clear. You have about 8 seconds to get your visitors to stay. If someone only skims the big, bold text on your page they still need to know what you are all about.

Need more help? While we don’t offer copywriting services ourselves, we do have some idea how to do it successfully! Click HERE to dive in and learn how to craft copy that truly resonates!

More then a 1000 words

A great picture will speak louder then any word ever can. Have you ever come across a website with professional photo's and thought "G-d*mn this looks good!", let's start preparing all those jaw dropping images shall we? Get yourself another folder ready and import all the brand images you have, If we are in the neighbourhood we can even help you with a professional brand photoshoot to get you shining on screen! Find peace in a structured environment and organize just how you like it. No need to go crazy with resizing because Showit does this for you. Just make sure that all your images are between 1500 - 3500px, why? Because any larger will affect your load speeds and any lower will impact your quality. 

If you are looking for some great stock pictures try Unsplash, Dupe Pictures or Pexels for some free gems!

Now to get more bang for your buck, rename all the images you want to import to the Showit folder for better SEO performance. pexels-jordana-capture-03264539.jog is obviously bad, try something like brand-design-for-female-solopreneur.jpg, See the difference?

The Showit learning curve

The world of Showit is large, deep but absolutely not scary. You can learn everything you need to know about it in 30 minutes thanks to a great tutorial from the Showit team.

So there is no need to be worried for a steep learning curve of a new platform like Showit. Thanks to the incredible Showit support and their wide range of help documentation you will find all the help you need to get your website launched without issues.

Check these buttons on the editor on your bottom right whenever you need help, they will guide you to the answer!

Let's get designing

Time to start the transformation. "Is this how Cinderella felt when she met the Fairy Godmother?"

Browse actions

It's one thing to have a website look pretty and polished, it's another thing to have a good functioning website. In side Showit there is a thing called click actions that you can find for any element you display on your website, find it on the right hand side toolbar. 
Putting it simply it is the action that happens whenever you click something. So linking to pages on your website, social media, cycling through a gallery or canvases and much more.

Most actions are set up for you but there are some that you'll need to check. Think of your social media links for example.

Showit help guide is here if you still have trouble with the click actions or with social media links.

Step 1 : Brand groundwork

Showit is built for the mind of a creative, the global settings will let you adjust the fonts and colors across you entire website with just a few clicks. If you followed the steps as we've written them you should already have a folder ready with your fonts and your HEX codes for your colors.

Read these Showit guides if you need help setting up the global settings.

Step 2 : Visualisation

Getting the feel for your design and the future website will become more apparent when you've changed all the images in the template.

Again all you images should be organized in a folder. So let's start changing the images by just selecting the image you want and hitting the blue SWAP IMAGE button in the right hand toolbar. (If you want to add a second image use the image adding tool bottom center of your showit window)

More info if you need it with the Showit help

Step 3 : Get your Copy

Here's where the preparations start to shine and cuts your design work by 70%! All your copy is ready to go in your document to be copied and pasted. So simply double click the text box you want to edit, highlight the text you want to change and past in the new.
easy peasy right! Don't forget to check the mobile design and adjust as you go.

Here's another cool Showit guide to help you in the way, remember to replace and not add.

Time to dive deeper

Are you loving how everything looks already!?
We bet you do, now let's make everything work

Responsive design

An easy approach to responsive design thanks to the Showit builder. No need for resolution setting of screens to get your design to adjust. A simple drag and drop and Showit will handle the rest.

We've designed everything to look great on desktop and on mobile but if you want to make some adjustments  you can find more help here

The Galleries

Showcasing your work through visuals is always a powerful tool to show your audience what you are capable of. So we've designed several gallery options for you to choose from so it matches your style best.

As easy as you can change your images with the SWAP IMAGE button you can change images in your galleries. Find more details here

Canvas / Slideshows

Canvas views is one of the many perks of Showit and makes your designs look that much more beautiful. Seamless slideshow effect that automatically flows or is controlled by click actions, you'll be able to do it all with canvas views.

One place where we often use this feature is with our client testimonials or social proof content. Read more about canvas views here.

Almost ready!

Everything works and looks great to boot.
Time for...

Test and test again

The end is finally near, if you need it grab another refill of your coffee because it's time to enjoy the process you just went through. It will all come together and we enter the test phase! Go through everything as if you are a visitor that is oblivious of what you do and who you are, can you find your way, do you understand everything, do you feel the Thing?
You should always feel... the thing.

Get one of your besties to jump in, give them a preview link and have them give you feedback. Read more about how to find and share your preview link here.

Don't delete anything

Seems weird to say this right. but it's much harder to redesign something if you accidentally deleted it. So a great solution is to just hide elements you are unsure of. Changing your mind just became easy!

If you do decide to delete elements or complete pages even, no worries there is still a way to recover them by just re-addign them from the template, see how to here.

SEO SEO BABY to cold

It does not have to be like Vanilla Ice sang about back in the 90's because SEO can help traffic get to your website and have the servers run HOT! We are going to spare you the deep dive into the depths of this concept, we've optimized your pages as best we could.

If you want to read more about this and how to improve you can read more about it here;
What is Seo and why is it important?
How to use the SEO tools in Showit?
SEO tools for your Showit Blog.

Time for take-off

Congratulations you made it! Now let's get you online

How to conquer the web

Ok, you are finally ready to conquer it all and launch your website into the world. So let's get your request in and have the Showit team do the hard work. Once you've requested the official launch Showit will give you all the information you need and will remain available for help throughout the entire process. Feels nice to have the pro's do the hard work for you, right?

Read more about how to submit your launch request here

Congratulations are in order! Time to Celebrate

The next step in your business growth is here! The actual launch of your new website! Grab yourself some champagne and celebrate because you deserve it. We are absolutely dying to see the results so tag us on social, send us an email so we can check out your brand new online digs!

Contact us when you are live!


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Hey, thanks for reaching out to us! We can’t wait to learn more about you and your business. Your inquiry is making its way to our inbox as we speak, and we’ll get back to you within the next 24-48 hours.

In the meantime, feel free to explore more about what we do!
Check out some of our latest branding projects, read our blog, shop our templates or take a peek at our portfolio.

Can’t wait to get started?
Here’s a quick tip: Prepare some notes about your brand goals, vision, and the kind of magic you want us to create together. We love a good brainstorm!

Looking forward to connecting soon!

Steffi & Bart


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Thanks for requesting our price and services guide! You can download it using the link below. We can’t wait to show you all the ways we can help your business stand out.

In the meantime, feel free to explore more of our services and recent projects while you wait for us to reach out!

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Download our Showit Template Guide

A helpful guide on how to design, write copy for and launch your Showit website!


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Your Showit Template Guide is ready to download! We’ve packed it with all the tips, tricks, and step-by-step help you need to make your website stand out. Check your inbox for more tips, and click below to get started right away.

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