The Creative Current

Inspiration and solutions for entrepreneurs

Why You’re Only Attracting Clients Who Want a Discount (and How to Fix It)

You know the drill, let’s talk branding strategies to attract the ideal client. You get all excited to present your pricing to a new client, only to be met with, “Oh, that’s a bit too expensive for me,” or “Can I get a discount?” It’s enough to make any business owner want to pull their hair out! After all, you’ve worked your tail off to get where you are, offering fantastic products or services, but it seems like the only people knocking on your door are bargain hunters.

Take Ross from Friends as an example. Remember the iconic PIVOT scene, where he refuses to pay extra for delivery of his brand-new couch and ends up trying to lug it up the stairs with Rachel and Chandler? Long story short, the couch gets split in two, and Ross still has no place to sit.

Sound familiar? Just like Ross, your clients may be cutting corners where it matters most. Instead of seeing the value of your service, they’re constantly asking for discounts or lower prices. But why is this happening? Let’s dive into three key reasons—using Ross’s couch situation to illustrate how you can turn things around.

  1. A Lack of Branding

Let’s break down Ross’s problem. Why didn’t he see the value in paying for delivery in the first place? It’s likely because the store didn’t communicate the experience he’d get with their service. Branding is more than just logos and colors—it’s the entire experience your clients have with your business.

If the store had strong branding, everything from the sales process to the delivery options would have been tailored to meet their ideal customer’s needs. For Ross, this might have included a smooth, stress-free delivery service, communicated clearly through the language on their website and by the staff.

In your business, strong branding ensures your ideal clients—those who appreciate quality—understand the value of your services. Investing in branding means you’re not just throwing a logo on your website; you’re creating an experience that resonates with the right customers. And just like Ross could have avoided the PIVOT disaster with a delivery service, you’ll avoid attracting price-focused clients by positioning yourself as a high-value provider.

Want to learn more about how branding can elevate your business? Check out our branding services and lets help you with branding strategies to attract the ideal client.

  1. Not Highlighting the Value

Now let’s consider what went wrong when Ross was deciding whether or not to pay for delivery. The store probably just said, “Do you want delivery for an extra fee?”—to which Ross thought, “Nah, I’ve got this.” They didn’t emphasize the real value of the service: convenience, time saved, stress avoided, and a couch that stays in one piece.

This is a common trap for many small business owners. We focus too much on selling the product—the couch, the service—without clearly explaining the value it brings to the customer’s life. In Ross’s case, if the store had said, “For just a little extra, we’ll save you the hassle of carrying this giant couch through New York, up a tiny staircase, and you won’t have to bug your friends,” he would have seen the value.

For your business, it’s not about listing features or offering discounts to entice bargain-hunters. It’s about showing how your product or service solves a problem or improves your client’s life. By focusing on the value—whether it’s hassle-free service, peace of mind, or a high-quality product—you’ll attract clients willing to pay for the experience, not just the price tag.

Curious about how to highlight your business’s value? Read our tips here.

  1. Not Building Trust & Loyalty

Lastly, let’s talk about trust. If Ross had trusted the store to provide him with the best service, he might have gone for the delivery option without a second thought. But maybe the store didn’t build that trust with him, so he figured he could handle it himself (spoiler: he couldn’t).

Building trust is crucial to attracting clients who are happy to pay more. Strong branding builds credibility, and trust comes from delivering consistent, reliable service. When your business consistently meets expectations—whether it’s through reliable products, stellar customer service, or transparent communication—your clients will trust you.

And trust me, customers are far more likely to pay a premium when they know they’re in good hands. Plus, trust breeds loyalty. Loyal clients return, recommend you to others, and are less likely to haggle over prices. If Ross had trusted the store with his delivery, he might have been a repeat customer instead of a DIY disaster. Read more about the benefits of great branding in this article.

So, What’s the Takeaway?

If you’re tired of hearing, “Can I get a discount?” it’s time to take a closer look at your branding. Just like Ross could have saved his couch (and his sanity) by recognizing the value of delivery, you can stop attracting bargain hunters by building a brand that highlights your value, builds trust, and resonates with your ideal clients.

Because at the end of the day, we all want clients who see our worth and are happy to pay for the quality we deliver—just like Ross should’ve seen the value in saving his couch from the PIVOT disaster.

Ready to Work with Clients Who See Your Worth?

If this blog hit home and you’re ready to attract clients who understand the value of your work, we’re here to help. Let’s create a brand that shows the world what you’re really worth! Contact us today and let’s elevate your business together.

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